After Surgery

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The foundation of our efforts is our exceptionally strong partnership with committed physicians and staff. We work together to offer ever-improving patient care and service. Our team approach is designed to take the place of a more traditional organization and create a greater focus on our patients

After Your Surgery
  • Your condition and recovery will be closely monitored by City Surgery Center Staff on-site for an average of 1-2 hours (potentially longer depending on type of surgery).

  • You will stay in our comfortable recovery area until your physician or anesthesiologist believes you are ready to be discharged from our facility.

  • Your go-home instructions will be discussed with you and your family member by our discharge nurse. You will receive a written copy of them to bring home with you.

  • Make sure you are not home alone for the initial 24-hour period after your surgery.

  • Do not sign any contracts or serious legal documents for at least 24 hours after the surgery.

  • Do not drive for a minimum of 24 hours after the surgery and follow all instructions on your prescriptions that you may have received.

  • Please return the patient questionnaire. We appreciate hearing from you. And if you have any questions at all after your surgery, please call (954) 666.8331

Our Vision

A community in which our vision is to establish that all patients achieve their full potential for health, recovery and well-being before, during & after their procedure.

Our Values

We care for the whole person, see the complexity of each patient’s life, and believe that addressing a broad range of health needs is the best to ensure best practices.

Our Team

Provide a patient-centered healthcare  and ASC with excellence in quality, service, and access. A community in which all staff provide to our patients.